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Saturday, June 4, 2011


Thursday I was on the treadmill running (if anyone knows me I do my best thinking on the treadmill) and I was thinking about my weight loss journey. Lately it seems that the road has taken several unexpected turns. At times it is down right frusstrating and discouraging. To work so hard at times and not see the scale move in the right direction can make a person go insane!

Well I decided there are only a dew things under my control. What I put in my body, my exercise, and my attiutude are all under my control. I have two choices let the adrenal problems hindering my weight loss destroy me or make me stronger. I of course have the right to be upset and frustrated, but at some point I have to decide how I will react. I decided that I will not let the scale be the end all be all of my life. My clothes are getting looser and looser, even if the scale is going back and forth. My clothes never once got tighter. I can see and feel bones and see a person in the mirror who looks different. These are important strides in my journey.

I also notice how I have become more fit. I can run at 6.0 without feeling like I will pass out, I can run sprints, I can run for thirty minutes straight and I can keep up with the people in the gym, that I used to dream of being like. People see me as an athelete which is funny to me becuase I was a couch potato not too long ago. And I love how a hard workout makes me feel after, like I have accomplshed something. I always wanted to be fit, it is a dream for me.

I am also finally making better food choices, and those choice feel like a way of life not a diet. I plan all my meals ahead of time and make sure I get plenty of variety. I noticed why I have been successful this time, is becuase I rarely make the same dinner in a two week span other than burgers. This keeps it exciting. I also learned to make foods I love healthier. The vegetable area is now my best friend. I see them as great compliments to dinner, and the more color the better!

So all these things are reasons other than the scale to show I am succeeding, maybe not in the most obvious way, but in heealthy ways!

So when I am either in spin class or on the treadmill or arc trainer, I like to play my favorite workout song, "Fighter" by Christina Aguilera. It always gets me to push to the next level. I apply those words to my weight loss journey and tell the scale this:
"'Cause it
Makes me that much stronger.
Makes me work a little bit harder.
Makes me that much wiser.
So thanks for making me a fighter...
I am a fighter
(I'm a fighter)
I ain't gonna stop
(I ain't gonna stop)
There is no turning back
I've had enough"

Yep I am a fighter and I will not give up my weight loss journey. I will get fit, and I will get to goal one day! I am a fighter.


  1. You bet Monica. We are on a journey and the fact that your clothes are getting looser and that you are so much fitter is a far greater achievement than the loss at the scale! You are increasing your lean body muscle mass which will help you long term to loose weight easier and live longer!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Yes and that is what is important to me being healthy!
