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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Low Fat Biscuit

The recipe is easy 1 and a 1/2 cup of heart smart bisquick, 1/2 cup of lowfat buttermilk or skim milk, you can make drop biscuits or roll them out on a bisquick dusted surface and bake at 450 until golden brown, I sprayed with I can not believe it is butter spray a few minutes before taking out!

Sunday Dinner!

Dinner Grilled Kickin Lemon chicken, with black beans, roasted veggie mix from the garden mostly with fresh herbs, and a low fat biscuit!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Back to circuit training going back to this again once a week!

Bob Harper's 15 station workout!
Incline Chest Press
Grab a pair of dumbbells and challenge yourself with the weights. Sit back on the incline and press the weights above the chest and back down until your arms are in a 90-degree angle.

Rowing Machine
Keep your abs engaged and use your arm strength to pull the rower back, utilizing your upper back strength. This is a great activity for those of you that are looking for a cardio workout but can't handle the pressure of body weight on your knees and joints.

Overhead Presses
Standing with your legs at shoulder-width apart, core engaged, and palms facing front, press your arms straight up to the ceiling and lower your weights down below your heart.

Straight Bicep Curls
Standing with your legs shoulder-width apart, elbows directly to your sides. The only movement should be from your elbows down to your waste. Concentrate on activating your bicep muscle. Challenge yourself with moderate to heavy weights.

A great cardio activity! Using a block for beginners around 12 inches high (for more advanced, 20 inches) step up as if you are walking up a flight of stairs. Keep your abs strong and use your leg strength to step up. Be careful when stepping off. Slow is always better.

Tricep Dips
Place your hands on a bench, fingers facing forward, feet flat on the ground and shoulders down away from your ears. Lower your hips down toward the floor until your arms are in a 90-degree angle and then use your triceps to lift your body back up to starting position.

Wall Sits
Lean your back against a sturdy wall with legs in a 90-degree angle as if you are sitting in a chair. Your quads, hamstrings and core will hold you in this position. This one is a KILLER!!!

Leg Extensions
A great quad exercise to strengthen knees, using an extension machine with a challenging weight, around 70 pounds. Sit up tall and focus on the contraction of the quads when you extend the legs into a straight position and then lower down slowly.

One -Armed Rows
Place your right hand on the bench and right foot on the floor, with a weight, around 25 pounds up to 45 pounds. Place the weight in your left hand. Keeping your back straight, and head and neck in a neutral position, lower the weight to the floor and then bring the elbow up to the ceiling, engaging your upper and mid-back muscles.

Underhanded Push-Ups
On a Smith machine drop the bar down about hip height. Get under the bar in a reverse push-up position to focus on your back muscles. This is one of my favorite exercises. It's a great way to get you ready for regular pull-ups.

Trunk Twists
A great core exercise. Stand with a challenging weight, shoulders relaxed, and twist your upper body from side to side with the emphasis on keeping the lower body stationary.

Another great core exercise, get your body down on the floor in a push-up position, but instead of being on your hands, get down on your elbows and hold position for 30-45 seconds. Make sure to focus on your ab strength.

Arc Trainer
A great piece of cardio equipment that gets your body weight off of your joints. When using the arc trainer, challenge yourself with the manual function. Hit the resistance up around 15 and pump your arms as hard as you can.

Wall Sits While Holding Medicine Ball Above the Head
Repeat the same movement as the wall sit but this time get a HEAVY medicine ball and hold it overhead to take this difficult exercise to a whole other level.

Treadmill Sprints
A great way to get your heart rate pumping. Jump on the treadmill and find a challenging speed, beginners around 6 mph and more advanced, 9-10 mph for an entire minute. This will increase your cardiovascular strength and is a tremendous fat burner.

Baked swai and oven roasted veggies

Love veggies topped with fresh herbs and Parmesan cheese! It give it a lot of flavor and therefore I eat more of the veggies because of the fresh flavor! That way I eat my veggies first!

It's not all about counting calories!

I came to a new conclusion tonight. Tonight I made a huge birthday family dinner. I made pork spareribs,fried green tomatoes,cornbread, grilled marinated chicken,fresh corn on the cob, and steamed broccoli and carrots. I had a plan of attack, I would make chocolate cake and icing, since I hate it. I was going to eat two ribs, the chicken breast, corn on the cob, three fried green tomatoes, and steamed veggies. This was after all to be my splurge meal. Well dinner time came and I ate the two ribs, and even though they were nice and moist and tender, it just was not as good as I remember. Just did not do it for me anymore. I wound up only eating the steamed veggies and two of the three fried green tomatoes.

I was cleaning up the kitchen and I realized that in the past I would have kept eating anyway, just because. I would have eaten everything too. But what was different now? Well I realize the difference now is control. Most of the time that I ate a lot was when I felt a lack of structure or out of control. Now I know it seems crazy to say that I ate to get control, but the food then gave me comfort and made me feel more in control. The more comfort I got from food the better I felt. But this year I made a plan and a plan b, and I felt in control.

So now I see one of my triggers is if I lack structure or feel out of control I will eat. Saturdays seem to be the hardest for me. I am running around all day, get too hungry and then start craving junk like fried foods and candy. So I need to do a better job of planning for Saturday.

See losing weight is great, but realize you can be at goal and not be right mentally. We all need to work on the mental. If we do not realize our triggers and make action plans we will wind right back up to where we began. Just like an any other addiction, where you come up with plans for different situations that may arise, over eaters must do the same thing. Yes this is not just about the physical of weight loss, I have to work on the whole me. I want to be overall healthier.